Thursday, September 23, 2010

New love

        George enters the barn to put his horse away, it was darker then the inside of a cow. Then the lights turn on but no ones home, from the corner of his eye he sees Curley's wife. It was love at first sight. George gave into her unsightly beauty, "your beauty is a fading flower," he said to her."What do you think Curley will say?" said Curley's unfaithful wife. "It will all come out in due time" said George. "its better to have loved then to never have loved at all," he said in a soft voice. Your right George, "love conquers all, we all need to move on with our life, life is all fun and games, its all fair in love and war." "But what do we tell Curley?", "We will run away at the dead of night, then we can dance the night away! your a thing of beauty and a joy forever," Said George. "Oh I love you George."

Monday, September 13, 2010

The secret identity of superpowers!

         Moving from place to place in different forms would be the ideal power for me. Ever wondered if the person you are with are actually who they are? With my superpower it would always be a question. I could discover undercover evidence and help destroy terrorist attacks. Being undercover could also help by helping the cops discover robbery's and murders. It would allow me to capture the essence of being different people or animals, I could live the life of a endangered animal to learn the way they live. To teach people what I learn so I could help the species survive. It would give me an ample amount of knowledge about the world I live in. I believe that shape shifting would be the ideal super power for me.