Friday, October 15, 2010

The move

“So, when do you plan on discussing your unthinkable decision with me?” commanded Lillian in an unforgiving voice.
“I don’t know, maybe when you calm down enough to talk,” snarled Ben.
“Would it not be better,” demanded Lillian, “if we just get this conversation over with?”
            After a glare from Ben he finally replied, “Maybe I like to watch you squirm in your own thoughts.”
            They then sat in silence for an hour in bed while Ben read over his newspaper, and Lillian stared outside to admire the glowing sun rising over the mountain tops. The tension was building up so fast by this point that Lillian could no long sit in silence. So she finally mentioned, “Can we please have a calm conversation now?”
            “I’ve calmed down now.”
            Ben then turned his head slightly so he was looking out the window and waited a while, admiring the sun, and then he answered, “I’m sorry it made you upset but I don’t have a choice, it’s my job.”
            “I know,” muttered Lillian, “I just don’t want to move away from our life and home we have created here.”
            “I don’t either but my boss isn’t a man I want to argue with.”
            “What if we somehow come up with a compromise?” asked Lillian hopefully.
            With a questionable look on his face Ben asked, “What do you mean?”
            “Why don’t we keep this house and come back for vacations and weekends,” explained Lillian.
            “But how will we afford it?” Ben replied with a puzzled look on his face.
            “How about I find a job,” insisted Lillian, “it’s not like I have to take care of the children anymore?”
            “If you think you will be able to handle it, then sure.”
            “Great ill start looking tomorrow!” Lillian stated happily.
            Then after a smile from Ben there normal morning went on as usual as if there fight never even happened. And Lillian got both of her houses.