Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Winter Jackets

The thought of walking into a freezing cold classroom just sends chills up my spine. How can this school expect us to learn in such a cold environment? We might as well move to Alaska if this is what we are going to expect. But then you enter the middle classrooms and you’re sweating, you just can’t concentrate with perspiration running down your face. Why cant a school like this just keep the heat at the same temperature in every classroom, it’s not rocket science. Or if they could possibly allow the classroom to change the thermostat depending on the temperature that certain classrooms portray. It not like we want a sauna to learn in. We just want a decent leaning environment.  Why can’t a school like this become compatible with the 21st century? I know we are trying to be more Eco friendly like North America but come on heat is a priority.