Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Winter Jackets

The thought of walking into a freezing cold classroom just sends chills up my spine. How can this school expect us to learn in such a cold environment? We might as well move to Alaska if this is what we are going to expect. But then you enter the middle classrooms and you’re sweating, you just can’t concentrate with perspiration running down your face. Why cant a school like this just keep the heat at the same temperature in every classroom, it’s not rocket science. Or if they could possibly allow the classroom to change the thermostat depending on the temperature that certain classrooms portray. It not like we want a sauna to learn in. We just want a decent leaning environment.  Why can’t a school like this become compatible with the 21st century? I know we are trying to be more Eco friendly like North America but come on heat is a priority.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Old man

The dark of the night blinded my eyes from the sight of the old homeless man. He was propped upon a bed made of garbage with a burning cigarette placed within his left hand. The sorrow on his face reminded me of the children’s faces watching the holocaust. He smelled like sour milk, a hopeless man waiting for his lucky day to arrive. That was the day I realized the meaning of life itself.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Are you gone?

Closer by Lacuna Coil

Want to get closer, in too deep
Where there is something I wish for I'll go through
Want to get closer into you
No hell to discover
I've got it all inside myself
Salvation you have preached is gone
No way, you can't turn it around

Looking for a higher ground
Searching for this something missed before
From a higher ground
Will I fall in a right direction?
(Higher, searching for more)

Falling apart
There's nothing real
That will convince me to change but I'll go through
Want to get closer into you
No hell to discover
There is just nothing to betray
Salvation you have preached is gone
No way, you can't turn it around

Looking for a higher ground
Searching for this something missed before
From a higher ground
Will I fall in a right direction?
(Higher, searching for more)

Looking for a higher ground
Searching for this something missed before
From a higher ground
Will I fall into your land?

Looking for a higher ground in the world of oxymoron, the ground is low and high is high, it just doesn’t work. Closer by Lacuna Coil, is a free verse full of her feeling about her dreams about not coming true, but it has no rhyme. It’s full of parallel structure “higher searching for more,” it just keeps you interested if it’s going to come up again. Moodiness is set from her unwillingness to find peace, she just believes the hyperbole of “salvation [that was] preached is gone,” since you can’t changes a persons preach. She wants the dream of her love to come true, and wants her imagination to be wrong by the themes of love and hate.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Reasons for Acceptance

             I am not only special I am exceptional. I can climb to the top of the ifel tower in less than a minute. I can read a university textbook in a fraction of a second. I can slurp a bowl of soup without making a sound. I can create a Picasso painting only using my pinky. I can write an essay more superior than an intellectual professor. I can make a salad. I am superwoman.
            Not only are people like me resourceful, people like me live in the African jungle with no more than a single article of clothing. People like me walk on water with a pair of running shoes. People like me can thrash Mr. Van Camp in Jeopardy. People like me say no to face book at school. We are intelligent.
In my life I have helped the homeless. In my life I have fashioned a cure for cancer. In my life people want to be me. In my life I can move from place to place using telecommunication. In my life cooking cupcakes can be made in five minutes instead of the average twenty. In my life I can read the Harry Potter series in less than an hour. People praise me.
On Mondays I climb mountains, on Tuesdays I kick butt at video games. On Wednesdays I accelerate down side streets going 800 kilometers an hour. On Thursdays bike across Canada in less than a hour, on Fridays I walk the town on Penticton in a chicken costume. On Saturdays I stay in bed all day, and on Sundays I trudge across the Sahara desert fending off killer ants. I’m magic.
But my life is still not complete.

Friday, October 15, 2010

The move

“So, when do you plan on discussing your unthinkable decision with me?” commanded Lillian in an unforgiving voice.
“I don’t know, maybe when you calm down enough to talk,” snarled Ben.
“Would it not be better,” demanded Lillian, “if we just get this conversation over with?”
            After a glare from Ben he finally replied, “Maybe I like to watch you squirm in your own thoughts.”
            They then sat in silence for an hour in bed while Ben read over his newspaper, and Lillian stared outside to admire the glowing sun rising over the mountain tops. The tension was building up so fast by this point that Lillian could no long sit in silence. So she finally mentioned, “Can we please have a calm conversation now?”
            “I’ve calmed down now.”
            Ben then turned his head slightly so he was looking out the window and waited a while, admiring the sun, and then he answered, “I’m sorry it made you upset but I don’t have a choice, it’s my job.”
            “I know,” muttered Lillian, “I just don’t want to move away from our life and home we have created here.”
            “I don’t either but my boss isn’t a man I want to argue with.”
            “What if we somehow come up with a compromise?” asked Lillian hopefully.
            With a questionable look on his face Ben asked, “What do you mean?”
            “Why don’t we keep this house and come back for vacations and weekends,” explained Lillian.
            “But how will we afford it?” Ben replied with a puzzled look on his face.
            “How about I find a job,” insisted Lillian, “it’s not like I have to take care of the children anymore?”
            “If you think you will be able to handle it, then sure.”
            “Great ill start looking tomorrow!” Lillian stated happily.
            Then after a smile from Ben there normal morning went on as usual as if there fight never even happened. And Lillian got both of her houses.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

New love

        George enters the barn to put his horse away, it was darker then the inside of a cow. Then the lights turn on but no ones home, from the corner of his eye he sees Curley's wife. It was love at first sight. George gave into her unsightly beauty, "your beauty is a fading flower," he said to her."What do you think Curley will say?" said Curley's unfaithful wife. "It will all come out in due time" said George. "its better to have loved then to never have loved at all," he said in a soft voice. Your right George, "love conquers all, we all need to move on with our life, life is all fun and games, its all fair in love and war." "But what do we tell Curley?", "We will run away at the dead of night, then we can dance the night away! your a thing of beauty and a joy forever," Said George. "Oh I love you George."

Monday, September 13, 2010

The secret identity of superpowers!

         Moving from place to place in different forms would be the ideal power for me. Ever wondered if the person you are with are actually who they are? With my superpower it would always be a question. I could discover undercover evidence and help destroy terrorist attacks. Being undercover could also help by helping the cops discover robbery's and murders. It would allow me to capture the essence of being different people or animals, I could live the life of a endangered animal to learn the way they live. To teach people what I learn so I could help the species survive. It would give me an ample amount of knowledge about the world I live in. I believe that shape shifting would be the ideal super power for me.